Please submit your inquiry,
we will reply as soon as possible.

Please submit your inquiry,
we will reply as soon as possible.

CTR Contact
We accept reports of violations of laws, ethical norms, internal regulations, and other improper conduct from employees, whether submitted openly or anonymously, for appropriate handling.
CTR accepts and processes reports regarding requests for human rights management, as well as reports of human rights violations, either anonymously or under real names.

How to report

Whether to report real name

Reporter information may not be entered in the case of reporting anonymously, but anonymous reports that do not provide specific evidence may not be investigated.

Actions subject to reporting and measures

Operating policy

1. The Cyber ​​Reporting Center is open to both executives and employees and outsiders, and is subject to reporting of violations of laws, ethical standards and internal regulations, and other unjust acts.
2. Reports can be made anonymously or under real name. However, the company may not investigate anonymous reports that do not provide specific evidence.
3. In addition to the Cyber ​​Reporting Center, the company receives reports through various channels such as mail, phone, fax, e-mail, and visits to the managing department.

Act subject to report

1. An act of receiving money, valuables or entertainment from interested parties in relation to duties, or providing convenience beyond the usual level
2. Acts that conflict with the company or pursue personal interests by creating such a relationship
3. Other inappropriate acts that damage the reputation of the company or are judged to be unethical acts

Action against Reporter

1. The department in charge must ensure the confidentiality of the reporter and the contents of the report, and the report will be protected from any other discrimination or disadvantage.
2. A reporter who has been discriminated against or disadvantaged may request protection measures and relief from disadvantages to the department in charge, and in this case, the department in charge will take appropriate measures.

Actions subject to reporting and measures

1. In principle, reporting by real name (For transparency in reporting, such as gossiping about a specific person and spreading false information)
2. Write freely according to the principle of 6-ha, but please fill in as detailed information as possible
3. Cyber ​​reporting, mail, telephone, or face-to-face reporting possible outside the company


Cyber ​​reporting center (ethical management) management department : CTR Holdings Business Assessment Office
After checking the contents of the report, we will notify you of the processing result, and it will take time (10 to 15 days) for the confirmation procedure by the relevant department.

Report Items

Scope of Requests and Reports

1. Requests for renting or expanding facilities for religious activities
2. Requests for providing amenities for disabled employees/stakeholders
3. Requests for facilities to support maternal protection, pregnant, or parenting employees
4. Inquiries regarding matters necessary for improving human rights in nearby areas and communities
5. Reports of actions violating human rights management under domestic laws or as defined by the RBA, including verbal abuse, violence, or sexual misconduct

Personal Information Collection and Usage Agreement

CTR collects and uses the following personal information for those who fill out CONTACT US. Collected personal information is protected in accordance with the ‘Personal Information Protection Act’ and other related laws.

1. Purpose of collection and use of personal information: Responding to inquiries and opinions, securing smooth communication channels

2. tems of personal information collected: Required items (name, contact number, email) / Optional items (affiliation)

3. Personal information retention and use period

CONTACT US Retained for 6 months from the registration date and used, and destroyed without delay.
However, if there is a specific reason such as a lawsuit or dispute, it is until the point of resolution,
If there is a need to preserve it in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, it is stored in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

4. Information on the right to refuse consent and disadvantages for non-consent

You have the right to refuse consent to the collection and use of personal information,
If you do not agree, there may be restrictions on filling out CONTACT US, and information is not provided smoothly.

•  Other matters comply with the Privacy Policy.

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