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CTR Story


CTR Robotics Participation in the 2024 Smart Factory and Automation Industry Exhibition 24-04-03


CTR Robotics participated in the "2024 Smart Factory and Automation Industry Exhibition (SFAW)" held at COEX in Seoul from March 27 to 29, 2024. This exhibition was jointly conducted with Marosol, a total robot solution provider.

At the exhibition, CTR Robotics unveiled for the first time a 2D Picking robot equipped with high-precision vision devices and AI operating solutions. This robot accurately supplies the necessary parts for the manufacturing process by precisely identifying and selecting objects, contributing to productivity and quality improvement through the rapid learning speed of AI.


CTR로보틱스_2D 피킹_1(썸네일).jpg


CTR로보틱스_2D 피킹_2.jpg

(The 2D Picking robot exhibited by CTR Robotics)


Additionally, it was developed in collaboration with IOcode, a domestic AI solutions specialist. Leveraging the advantages of domestic development, it provides superior user experience in terms of technical support and user interface compared to overseas products.

Young-Tae Kim, CEO of CTR Robotics, emphasized, "We plan to provide automation robot solutions that meet the demands of various industries, innovate existing products using AI, and create excellent application cases."

We support the endeavors of CTR Robotics as they gradually expand essential strategic partnerships in industries such as automotive, aviation, and shipbuilding, aiming for leading growth in the robot-based automation equipment market!

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