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Personal growth leads to organizational growth 18-04-12


Do you know why many advise to read books? And, do you know why the company encourage you to read books? Reading helps you to grow independently and gives you unrivalled happiness in the course of the growth. An organization with growing individuals is strong. So, our company stress personal learning and training as personal growth has a genuine value in the organization.
We introduce a reading program that has been carried out to form a learning organization culture. Please remember that your competitor is nothing but you of yesterday, and let’s make a future creatively. 

Importance of attitude to challenge steadily despite failure – Lecture by author of ‘Way of accumulation’
On March 9, Professor Lee Jeong-dong, the author of ‘Way of accumulation’ gave a special lecture at the Grand Seminar Room in Changwon Football Center. The book was selected as a recommended book in November ~ December 2017, and tells the importance of capacity accumulation in order to develop technology, product and service. In the lecture, the author stressed the importance of developing scale-up focused organization culture. ‘Accumulation’ is deeply related to ‘Challenge’ as one of our core values. It is because challenging culture can be achieved when we accumulate our experiences of failure and trial-and-error and make them as unique know-how. It is hoped that this lecture gave us an enlightenment that if we continue to find a way of improving problems and to learn toward the goal, we can accumulate our capacity. 

Communicate with book and recognize other’s ego – Reading review meeting at workplace
The Company selects recommended books from 2015 and carry out reading review meetings with those read recommended books from 2016 onwards. We set the reading review meeting as a regular program in the course of developing new employees and new team manager course. As for the selection of books, it used to be books in business management areas to enhance capacity, and we have expanded genres of books to expand our vision and perspective.
With this reading review meeting, we provide an opportunity to understand various egos between members and make a systematic learning culture. The reading review meeting in 2018 will be conducted during April with the book ‘Greet’ the recommended book for 1st quarter. We encourage you to participate in the meeting where you can share your ideas and experiences on passion and tenacity.

Process of developing leadership through reading, writing and practicing – Leader reading group 
‘Leader reading group’ where leaders with directors of the headquarter and above level participate started its activity from March. While the reading review meeting is held twice per year at free participation basis, the leader reading group has far more intensified. It is held every odd month and they should submit reading reviews before attending the meeting.
It was created to deepen the width and depth and to develop capacity of the leaders who are decision makers of the organization. After the meeting, they practice what they determine and then share the practical experiences in the following leader reading group. The first meeting was held on March 22. They read ‘Greet’ and then discussed ‘how to make an organization with Greet and how to make members to have greet’ in a heated atmosphere. From May onwards, a reading group for junior leaders ranging from officers ~ factory manager will be carried out separately from the leader reading group of directors of the headquarters and above.

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