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CTR Story


CTR Group's First 'Integrated ESG Committee' Meeting Held 23-11-24


On September 19th, CTR Group's first 'Integrated ESG Committee' meeting was held.


The 'Integrated ESG Committee' was established in the first quarter of 2023 as a consultative and decision-making body to operate the 'ESG Committees' of each subsidiary more efficiently. Each subsidiary's 'ESG Committee' is composed of three or more directors, with at least one-third being outside directors to ensure transparency, prioritizing the appointment of outside directors.


The 'Integrated ESG Committee,' attended by the appointed members (and chairpersons) of each subsidiary, is hosted and operated by CTR Holdings. It reviews and decides on various matters necessary for ESG policies and activities to fulfill environmental and social responsibilities, establish transparent governance, and achieve sustainable growth.

In this initial meeting, the committee set goals for achieving RE100 and Net Zero, aiming for a 30% reduction in power consumption and a 70% transition to renewable energy, and discussed prioritizing investments for quick power consumption reduction and forming renewable energy transition strategies using affiliated companies. The committee emphasized the importance of robust internal preparations to address various ESG certifications and evaluations, encouraging the active utilization of support programs from customers and government agencies for financial stability.


In terms of ongoing social contribution activities, the committee committed to moving beyond simple donation support to prepare activities centered on growing and coexisting with local communities to create a psychologically and materially safe world.


The Integrated ESG Committee will be held regularly every quarter, just like the board of directors, to clarify the management's will and policies, establish transparent governance, and make significant decisions.


While one of the committee's critical roles is to review major investment decisions based on ESG, it is currently planned to function as a communication and consultative body that discusses policies and strategies requiring human and material resources in advance.


Ultimately, the Integrated ESG Committee aims to become a key decision-making body for ESG management, incorporating the nature of existing boards and investment committees, and including external experts such as outside directors.

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